Friday, 7 March 2014

Solverde Poker Season 2014

Segundo a mensagem do Presidente do Conselho de Administração, Manuel Violas, o Solverde reuniu sugestões de turismo e de lazer, tais como espectáculos, concertos, torneios de póquer e tantas outras propostas disponíveis em cinco casinos e quatro hotéis, de norte a sul do país, como ponto de partida para experiências exclusivas.

O "Solverde Poker Season 2014" é um conjunto de etapas, cada uma composta por vários torneios de Poker disputados na variante de Texas Hold’em em mesas de até 10 jogadores.

O Solverde Poker Season apresenta o calendário para 2014, para mais um ano do torneio de poker mais conhecido e prestigiado em Portugal.

Desde o Algarve a Chaves, os Casinos Solverde são palco de entusiasmantes e competitivos momentos com prémios aliciantes e com todos os ingredientes necessários para garantir grandes emoções.


Preparem-se para este jogo de emoções fortes, que testa a vossa capacidade estratégica e o vosso auto-domínio.

É um convívio de Poker e o objectivo é divertirem-se e ganhar. Mas não deixem de calcular, analisar e controlar com toda a frieza. Esta é a grande emoção do Poker!

Rita Santos

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Solverde Poker Season 2014

According to the message of the President of the Board of Directors, Manuel Violas, Solverde gathered suggestions in order to promote tourism and recreation all over the country. To do so they proposed activities such as shows, concerts, poker tournaments and many other offers. All of these available in five casinos and four hotels, from the North to South, as a starting point for unique experiences.

The "Solverde Poker Season 2014" comprises of a series of stages, each consisting of several poker tournaments played in the form of Texas Hold'em on tables that hold up to 10 players.

The Solverde Poker Season presents the calendar for 2014, for yet another year of the most well-known and prestigious poker tournament in Portugal.

From the Algarve to Chaves, Casinos Solverde will be the hosts of exciting and competitive moments, with attractive prizes and all the necessary ingredients to ensure great emotions.


Get ready for this game of strong emotions, which tests your strategic skills and your self-control.

It is a society of Poker and the aim is to have fun and gain. But do not forget to calculate, analyse and keep your cool. This is the thrill of the Poker!


Solverde Poker Season 2014

Der Verwaltungspräsident, Manuel Violas,  berat das Solverde (Casino&Hotels) im Sektor des Tourismus und Freizeit, (Shows, Konzerte, kulinarische Erlebnisse, Unterkünfte, Golftouren, Poker-Turniere, Geburtstagsfeiern) als Ausgangspunkt für ein einzigartiges Erlebniss, zusammen mit Stil, Komfort und Differenzierung. Das Team von Solverde sorgt für "die besten Momente", mit einem exzellenten Service.

Das „Solverde Poker Season 2014“ ist eine Reihe von Schritten, die jeweils aus mehreren Pokerturnieren zusammengestellt wird. Die Variante Texas Hold'em wird an Tischen bis zu 10 Spielern gespielt.

Diese Veranstaltung bietet einen Kalender für 2014 und dies wird ein weiteres Jahr mit exzellenten Poker Turnieren in Portugal.

Von der Algarve bis Chaves, werden die Kasinos von „Solverde“  eine Vielzahl von spannenden und konkurrenzfähigen Momenten haben, mit attraktiven Preisen um große Gefühle zu garantieren.


Bereiten Sie sich für ein emotionsvolles Spiel vor, die ihre strategischen Fähigkeiten und ihre Selbstkontrolle testen.

Dieses Pokertreffen hat das Ziel das Sie sich amüsieren und gewinnen!

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